Like a vicious and vindictive plague, my stories have been spread far and wide… has been more than generous to allow us small-time writer smurfs to promote our work by allowing five FREE days for each and everyone of our titles available on KINDLE.  Not only that, but the FREE Promos were made available not only in the US, but also the UK, Italy, Denmark, and France. What a cool thing for a soul-sucking corporate giant to do! 😉

Seriously, there really is no way for me, a tiny cog in the Big Machine, to accomplish this on my own. 

Besides the unprecedented, and nearly worldwide exposure to Rageness, Spunicity and Nelsonsauceness,  I also got a very clear vision of what readers dig (PHARMACIDE, PILATE, RAGE PRIMER)… and what they were … um .. less than thrilled with (BELLY, SPUN MONKEY’S DIGEST). Hey, what can I say, except I write for the readers and they are the Boss, Applesauce!  Any writer can tell you that.

The net results are that nearly 2000  of my 10 available Kindle stories were uploaded, read and (hopefully) enjoyed.  Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!

So, to each and every single one, I thank you more than words alone can say!

To whit …